It was the day I had been putting off for way too long. Maddie's first trip to the dentist. I know, I should have taken her a year ago, but I wanted to, um, find one that she would like. No, I mean, I wanted to give her a chance to mature. Wait- I wanted to find one that our insurance covered.
Who am I kidding? I procrastinated. An entire year.
So, to make up for it, I dressed her in her cutest outfit, sparkly princess shoes, and hoped that I would be forgiven for being a year late in scheduling her appointment.
The hygienist was great. She let Maddie play with all of the tools, so that it wouldn't scare her. She was hip to what the cool 4 year olds are into, and could talk princess with the best of 'em.
Maddie handled it like a champ. She followed instructions and both the hygienist and dentist ooh'ed and ahh'ed over how well behaved she was. I have to admit, I felt a little smug when they told me that she did better than a 10 year old did, the day before.
I answered the questions they had. For the most part, pretty honestly. I mean, really, did they expect me to tell them that I sometimes forget to brush her teeth? Especially in the morning, if we have nothing planned for the day? And, that it took forever to teach her how to spit, and she has probably swallowed more toothpaste than is safe? And, that she doesn't know how to use dental floss ?
I'm hoping, no.
When we were done, the dentist told me that her teeth were spaced pretty well, and she probably won't need braces. Then, she told me something that had me doubting myself as a mother. I felt myself shrinking into the chair. Oh, God, she knows I'm a great big fake. Who am I trying to kid? I'm no good at this "being responsible for another being" thing.
"We'll need to see her in a week or so. She has a cavity."
Didn't she see her cute outfit? She CAN'T have a cavity. Ugh.

If it helps, this is partly genetic. My husband and I eat almost identical things; if anything, I eat more sweets as I have a much bigger sweet tooth. He has at least a dozen fillings, and I have none. He brushes way better than I do. I'm not bragging (that's the surest way to curse myself for sure), just trying to suggest this is not all your fault.
Also, the sparkly shoes should surely have distracted them. :)
This reminds me so much of when I took my firstborn to the dentist. She was such a champ! I took all kinds of pictures.
Then came my son. Hooo boy. Not a good patient at all. No pictures, thank you very much, partially because the dentist spirited us out the door after only a few minutes.
You can be sure your dentist appreciates Maddie's great attitude !
Georgia did awesome too. Thankfully, no cavities. I'm dreading taking Jude. He will not be happy and probably cry the entire time. I'm sure he will have a cavity (of course).
I'm with Mommytime - sometimes kids are just prone to cavities like they are ear infections. Out of 4 kids, 1 has a cavity. And it's not the one that's never brushed his teeth in his entire 5 years of life. And I do tell my dentist that. Thank goodness the Downs clinic told me that DS kids rarely get cavities.
So I'm a lurker..
Loving your blog, for over 2 months. My daughter just turned 4. And I'm tottaly ocd about the dr visits, the denist has been another story.So she is going next week. I'm pleased to hear that I'm not the only one who put it off, due to insurance.I even have a cute outfit already picked out !! Along w/ a promise of going to target after for a new littlest pet shop toy!
Glad to hear your lil one did well!
Chelsea. Can I tell you that I'm dyin' over here :-) You crack me up.
Cavities, unfortunately are not uncommon anymore. Don't feel bad, but thanks for the laughs.
BTW ~ Check your mail. 2 to 3 days. I know, it's so late. So sorry. I have been just under water.
Glad she did so well and I know she was the 'belle of the office'
Or you could be like me--totally surprised that your daughter does not have cavities--because once they get older, they are not always truthful about if they brushed their teeth. I am just thankful they have their daddy's teeth. :)
i haven't taken my 4 y/o to the dentist yet! after taking my first born, when he was 4...i was traumatized!! dare they tell you maddie has a cavity! i mean, why were they looking at her teeth at all, when she was wearing such a cute outfit!? the nerve of these people!!
So you telling me that there is NO power in a cute outfit?
I've been going at this parenting thing all wrong.
Sorry to hear about the cavity.
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